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Antique Miniature Print Her Majesty and H.R.H Prince Albert at Balmoral Antique Miniature Print Her Majesty and H.R.H Prince Albert at Balmoral Antique Miniature Print Her Majesty and H.R.H Prince Albert at Balmoral Antique Miniature Print Her Majesty and H.R.H Prince Albert at Balmoral Antique Miniature Print Her Majesty and H.R.H Prince Albert at Balmoral
Antique Miniature Print Her Majesty and H.R.H Prince Albert at Balmoral Antique Miniature Print Her Majesty and H.R.H Prince Albert at Balmoral Antique Miniature Print Her Majesty and H.R.H Prince Albert at Balmoral Antique Miniature Print Her Majesty and H.R.H Prince Albert at Balmoral Antique Miniature Print Her Majesty and H.R.H Prince Albert at Balmoral

Antique Miniature Print Her Majesty and H.R.H Prince Albert at Balmoral


Tags: ArtRoyaltyLocal Interest

Item Code: 420

Antique Miniature Print Her Majesty and H.R.H Prince Albert at Balmoral

Printed in Oil Colours by Le Blonde & Co London

Circa 1851


4 1/2" high x 6" wide x 3/4" deep (115mm x 150mm x 20mm)