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Home > Our Products > Kitchenalia > Vintage Wicker Hamper / Picnic Set "The Brexton Collection"

Vintage Wicker Hamper / Picnic Set "The Brexton Collection" Vintage Wicker Hamper / Picnic Set "The Brexton Collection" Vintage Wicker Hamper / Picnic Set "The Brexton Collection" Vintage Wicker Hamper / Picnic Set "The Brexton Collection" Vintage Wicker Hamper / Picnic Set "The Brexton Collection" Vintage Wicker Hamper / Picnic Set "The Brexton Collection"
Vintage Wicker Hamper / Picnic Set "The Brexton Collection" Vintage Wicker Hamper / Picnic Set "The Brexton Collection" Vintage Wicker Hamper / Picnic Set "The Brexton Collection" Vintage Wicker Hamper / Picnic Set "The Brexton Collection" Vintage Wicker Hamper / Picnic Set "The Brexton Collection" Vintage Wicker Hamper / Picnic Set "The Brexton Collection"

Sold - Vintage Wicker Hamper / Picnic Set "The Brexton Collection"


Tags: KitchenaliaLuggage

Item Code: 179

Vintage Wicker Hamper / Picnic Set "The Brexton Collection"

4 each Royal Tudor Pottery Plates, Cups and Saucers,

2 each Thermos Flasks, Plastic Food Boxes, Liquid Containers, and Cruets.


8" high x 20" long x 15" wide (200mm x 510mm x 360mm)